I have a torn meniscus.
I’ve been limping pretty steadily for the past few weeks. Every day my limp is a bit less pronounced. One of my Realtor colleagues, John, has had several surgeries on his knees, and is often providing what he thinks are helpful tips for coping with the pain.
“Bend your knee, McGee! Bend your knee!” he insists if I walk by his door (which is pretty difficult to avoid as he is in the office right next to me).
“But it hurts!” I protest.
“If you don’t bend your knee and walk normally, you will completely mess up the OTHER knee.” John tells me.
“It already hurts,” I volunteer.
“Walk normally! If you can bend your knee, you can walk.” John counsels.
“But that’s just it, John! I think I’ve forgotten how to walk normally!” I wail.
I really may have. I try to walk as of old. One foot in front of the other. It’s like riding a bike, isn’t it? It’s not a skill set I’m going to lose, right? I feel like an uncoordinated fool.
I’ve got surgery next week. I should only be down for a couple days. I’ll let you know about the whole walking thing after recovery.
How did you manage to walk again!? I’ve forgotten too!! Exactly the same problem! It sounds ridiculous but two months of limping followed by surgery and it just isn’t happening for me! I’m hoping physio might help!