It’s a New Year, and I’m going to try something new here on my blog.
The focus will still be more on real estate than anything else (it IS The Real Estate Blog, after all), but I’m going to focus more on what happens in an around the real estate in the Tri-Cities than in years past.
The nice thing about only a few people reading my blog is that it’s not like anyone is going to clamor, “Hey! Go back to the old format where you only posted once every few months!”
I’m also going to incorporate more pictures. I’m a fair-to-middlin’ photographer, but my husband is fantastic at it, so I’ll probably grab a couple of his photo when I need to illustrate a point and my picture doesn’t quite do it.
Family recap – Matt and I have been married for 18 years, 15 of which have been spent in the Tri-Cities. We never expected that when we moved here in 1994. We have two kids, a son who is 12 and a daughter who is 8. We go to church every Sunday and try to live the life God has planned for us. Sometimes I am stellar in my performance for the Lord, and sometimes I fail miserably. Matt likes to travel, more for fun, but less for business. I don’t like to leave the cozy confines of the USA, so call me ethnocentric, I don’t care. Our kids are healthy and happy, and are a curious mix of Matt’s personality and my own.
We love living here, and a few years ago when it looked like we’d have to move to Seattle for Matt’s job, we agonized over the changes we’d have to make. Fotunately?, Matt was laid off, and he started his own business. Now we won’t need to leave here unless we want to, and we don’t think we’re going to want to anytime soon.
Check back every couple days, as I said, I aim to do a much better job this year of blogging, as I am expanding my subject matter.
Take care!