How about this crazy weather? We’re at about eight inches of snow at the McGee house tonight, and it’s still coming down. We managed to make it through the day just fine, mainlky because our son was the only member of the family who really left the house today.
Meanwhile, our friends and fellow Tri-Citians have been fighting the snow storm all day today, and many posted about it on Twitter. Here’s a look at how the afternoon (and evening) unfolded based on Tri-Citian’s tweets.
(These are pretty close to being in correct chronological order, too! Ignore the fact that some of them say “November 23,” I think that’s because the embedding tool is based in a different time zone.)
Snow still coming down hard! I really don't think I'll be seeing any customers today.
— Stephen Hartley (@StephenHartley) November 22, 2010
CBC cancelling all evening classes in Richland and Pasco tonight
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 22, 2010
9-1-1 answering hundreds of snow-related accident calls. 70 in one hour alone!
— BC Emergency Service (@BentonCounty) November 22, 2010
No one here, no one at Ashley next door. Feeling snowbound.
— Stephen Hartley (@StephenHartley) November 22, 2010
PNNL let people out early @ 3pm. If you are "nonessential" and work a swing or graveyard shift, don't come in. Call here to check: 375-2124
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 22, 2010
Pasco schools on a 2 hr delay Tues, but due to early release, no school for K-8. Conferences will happen as scheduled. PHS, CHS 2 hr delay.
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 22, 2010
Finley and North Franklin Schools also calling for 2 hour delay tomorrow
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 23, 2010
9-1-1 calls not slowing down. 177 calls between Noon and 2pm today to report accidents or cars off the road.
— BC Emergency Service (@BentonCounty) November 22, 2010
Richland Community Center and Richland Public Library closing at 6pm tonight because of snow
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 23, 2010
Tuesday Scheduling Change: Children's Development Center–All Morning Classes Canceled
— Apple Valley News Now (@KAPPKVEW) November 23, 2010
9-1-1 dispatchers aren't slowing down. 438 calls since noon today. 98% were weather-related accidents and crashes.
— BC Emergency Service (@BentonCounty) November 23, 2010
Columbia School District and Prosser Schools both called for a 2 hour delay tomorrow
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 23, 2010
@KevinCole509 I'm about to call corporate and tell them we should close lol, ZERO people in the door since the snow got bad. Two before that
— Stephen Hartley (@StephenHartley) November 23, 2010
High schools on 2 hr delay for Tues. Nov. 23. Due to early release, K-8 classes cancelled, but conferences still as scheduled.
— Kennewick Schools (@ksdschools) November 23, 2010
Les Schwab on Tapteal Drive in Richland still has 50 yes (fifty), cars to work on today! They estimate being there till almost ten tonight.
— Stephen Hartley (@StephenHartley) November 23, 2010
Schedule Changes For Tuesday–Bethlehem Lutheran classes cancelled,
conferences will go on as scheduled. St. Joseph's classes cancelled.— Apple Valley News Now (@KAPPKVEW) November 23, 2010
Dearest city of richland, I hope there is never a nuclear emergency.#wealldieintraffic
— Jeff Boyus (@jeffboyus) November 23, 2010
Tonight's drive home is taking longer than a normal drive to Seattle.#freakoutpeople
— Jeff Boyus (@jeffboyus) November 23, 2010
So far since last night we have thiiiiiiiiiis much snow!
— johny (@johnyjuice) November 23, 2010
It's 23 and cooling down. Supposed to be 15 tonight? Holy balls! Snow is still falling and it's not forecasted to stop for at least 2 hours!
— Erica Penley (@ericajade19) November 23, 2010
Meals on wheels canceled Tuesday. Both delivery and senior dining centers.
— KEPR Action News (@keprtv) November 23, 2010
Let's just make it official: Tuesday has been canceled in the Tri-Cities due to snowmageddon.
— Matt McGee (@mattmcgee) November 23, 2010
Had to finish with my hubby’s recent tweet! Good luck tonight and tomorrow in the storm, Tri-Cities friends — be safe!
Lol, cool post (no pun intended). I guess I talked a LOT about the weather today;-)
You and everyone else! This is big news because it’s never like this here – very understandable!