I recently moved from one real estate brokerage to another. I have a lot of friends at the brokerage where I left, and only one at the new place. Change isn’t something I tackle with ease, and when I was discussing making the move with my real estate coach, he asked me to tell him the six words I associated with making this move. I came up with focused, freedom, brave, directed, powerful and strong.
Then, knowing that I process best through writing, he asked me to do a blog post, once each week, for six weeks, on a different word from my list.
So, final word in the series – strong.
When I think of the word strong, I think of a muscle-bound man, in a Speedo, posing and preening…kind of like Stretch Armstrong, the doll, if you’re old enough to remember him!
But the true meaning of strength is actually more like steel, I suppose, or diamonds. Something solid, and humming with power.
Strong deeds, strong words, strong thoughts, strong beliefs…all have brought me to this place.
I am THRIVING at the new brokerage. I am pushing my own boundaries, going for things I wouldn’t have had the guts to go for before. It’s now been seven weeks since I left my former brokerage and I am happy and proud of what I am accomplishing here.
Are you considering a change? Something HUGE like a job switch or a relationship ending? Something little – like maybe starting your day with yogurt and muesli instead of a doughnut? What ever it is, may I suggest you follow this formula?
FOCUS – exactly what are you doing and why are you doing it?
FREEDOM – will you be free from something, or free to move toward something?
BRAVE – rock the boat if you have to. The world has never been well-served by people afraid to take a risk.
DIRECTED – where are your energies going? Is the change a positive one? Are you directing your energies to the positive? or are you directing them toward regret and uncertainty? Your direction will determine your success in the new enterprise.
POWERFUL – put some punch behind it! Don’t go lackadaisically in to your new endeavor. Approach it powerfully, like something to conquer or subdue!
STRONG – carry it with you, like built-up muscles on your frame, or your sterling character…be strong in your conviction that what you’re doing is right.
If you’ve read every post of the series, thank you! If you are like my son who just said, “Huh – didn’t know you were doing that. I haven’t read any of them until this one.”, then go back and catch up! And take on the next change in your life with joy. I promise, it will be worth it. Even if you don’t succeed, you’ll learn something, and that’s where the real growth comes in.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
– Harriet Tubman
Great ending. Proud to call you my friend!
Oh my gosh – thank you so much, Ericka and Stephanie! I appreciate the kind words!