(509) 392-4705 Just a call or text away!

8200 W. Grandridge Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336-1680

As of January 1, 2025, our team has completed 603 transactions across the Tri-Cities — a remarkable achievement in an industry where 87% of agents fail within their first five years.

As we continue to expand our Tri-Cities footprint, we invite all prospective clients to see our entire transaction history on the map below. We’ve sold homes in pretty much every residential neighborhood across the Tri-Cities, and even have a few transactions as far away as Grandview to the west and Dayton to the east.

About the map

Use the controls to zoom in and scan in any direction you want to look. Transactions where we were the buyer’s agent are in blue, and transactions where we were the listing (seller’s) agent are in orange. In some cases of new construction where Google Maps doesn’t know the exact street addresses yet, the map pins pile on top of each other.

In addition to the map above, please read the unedited reviews and testimonials from our past clients. They’ll give you a sense of our passion for ensuring our clients have the best real estate experience in town.

Looking to buy or sell real estate in the Tri-Cities? Contact us today.

We’ve helped hundreds of families and individuals buy and sell homes across the Tri-Cities. We’re ready to help you, too.

Tell Us How We Can Help!