Some of these houses I understand their inclusion on the list of just awesomely bad celebrity homes, but some aren’t all that bad!
One day I’ll post a picture of the ‘luncheon china’ I inherited from my paternal grandmother. Imagine a time in America’s not-too-distant past when one invited other women over for lunch (not hastily gobbled at a restaurant in the prescribed sixty minutes, or nibbled upon while standing up at the breakfast bar while refereeing your children’s ardent Yahtzee! game out of one eye and reading the paper with the other) and you had china specifically for that purpose. Much like that concept is foreign to the modern entertainer, the foods they served on the last meal on the Titanic are as well. Vegetable Marrow Farci, anyone??
The weather this week has been nutty – in the 80’s a week ago today, freeze warnings for the orchardists for the past couple of nights. Makes me think of the hazy, lazy (?ha! not anymore, now that I’m a grown up!) days of summer and the Tri-Cities Water Follies and the very cool Columbia Cup races. Every Tri-Citian should attend at least once.
That’s all for now – have a great week!