It never fails. As soon as the calendar turns to January, people start thinking about buying a new home.
But we know for some of you, the process of buying a house is a total mystery. And that’s okay! We were all first-time homebuyers at some point, needing help with understanding how the homebuying process works.
If you’re in that boat, we can help. Kajsa Lethbridge and Megan Laird are agents on our team who specialize in helping buyers, whether you’re new or a home buying veteran. They recently put together a short video series that explains the process specifically for first-time homebuyers. The four videos will only take about 8-9 minutes to watch, and will give you a high-level understanding of how to buy a home. Watch them right here:
Was that helpful? We sure hope so. If you have questions or want to get started, here’s how to get in touch:
1.) Call or text us anytime: (509) 392-4705
2.) See the “TEXT US” button down below? Click that to start a direct text convo with us.
3.) If email is your jam, use the contact form below and we’ll respond in no time flat!
Thanks for watching our video series. We’d love to chance to help you become a homeowner.
Have a question about the Tri-Cities? About the process of buying or selling a house? Get in touch with us below -- name and email are required so we can respond. Please provide your phone number if you'd prefer a call or text message in return.