I recently moved from one real estate brokerage to another. I have a lot of friends at the brokerage where I left, and only one at the new place. Change isn’t something I tackle with ease, and when I was discussing making the move with my real estate coach, he asked me to tell him the six words I associated with making this move. I came up with focused, freedom, brave, directed, powerful and strong.
Then, knowing that I process best through writing, he asked me to do a blog post, once each week, for six weeks, on a different word from my list. So, first in the series…FOCUSED.
When I think of focus I think of something being bleary, then coming in to clear view.
This year, my plans for my career are clearer than ever. Before, it was kind of nebulous…I’ll sell some houses, have some fun, do a good job, and then in 20 years when I retire, I’ll be looked upon by the people who worked with me as a solid agent who sold a fair amount of real estate during her day.
That became “not enough” this year. I want to write, to speak, and to coach others. Selling real estate, lots of real estate, will get me closer to those goals. I will always love selling real estate. I help change people’s lives! I help them find a harbor for their memories. I help them divest themselves of what can sometimes be a burden – financial, emotional, whatever. They have better prospects when I have done my job well.
When I focus on my future, they can focus on theirs.
In order to develop in to the person I am focused on becoming, I needed to hang my license elsewhere. And because I am the person I am, I had to look ahead, at the state of my career down the road, to gather the wherewithal to leave. It wasn’t easy, but the focus made it easier.