I’ve always wanted to throw a party on the longest day of the year. This is not like me, since I usually go to bed early, so I wouldn’t ordinarily celebrate a very late sunset. However, it just seemed like a fun idea to celebrate summer and getting halfway through the year.
2020 would have been perfect to do it because the solstice last year was on a Saturday! We all know what happened, though. One thing dealing with the pandemic taught me is to go ahead and throw the party when you can. Seize the moment! So, I did!
We had our first annual Cari McGee Team Summer Solstice Party this past Saturday at Bookwalter Winery in Richland!
We invited all the other female agents that we’d had a real estate sale with in the past 18 months, and a few other select friends and my team members, and threw a party!
I selected Bookwalter as the venue because they have great outside space and it’s shielded from the setting sun. The food they provided was delicious! I also ordered a cake from my favorite cake artist, Beehive House Confectionary, and arranged for an open bar for all our guests.
This whole year, for us in real estate, has been full of rush-rush-rushing — show the house, write the offer, list the house, review offers, go, go, go, win the deal. It’s been exhausting. It was so nice to relax and chat with other agents, just for fun, without any strategy or agenda. We all enjoyed seeing each other as regular women and we chatted about all the things we encounter.
The party wrapped up after 10, and it was wonderful. We’re going to do it again next year, and some of the ladies have marked it in their calendars already!
Here are some photos from this wonderful night! Thanks to all the wonderful women who joined us!
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