Ask the REALTOR® is a new series in which I’ll answer your most commonly-asked real estate questions, with a new Q&A posting every week or so. If YOU have a real estate question for me, drop me a note here.
This week’s question: Should I replace the carpet in my house, or let the buyer do that? Here’s the answer in this brief video, and don’t miss the transcript below.
Hello. I’m Cari McGee and welcome to Ask the REALTOR®. Over my just about 15 years in the business, I have had all kinds of questions from buyers, and sellers, and members of the general public regarding real estate and what is recommended and what you should or shouldn’t do. And so I’m going to answer some of those in this segment.
And today’s question is, “Should I replace the carpet or just let the new buyer do that?”
Here’s the scoop: Go ahead and replace it. And I know a lot of people will say, “But what if I pick out a color they don’t like?” Or “what if they would have had the choice, they would have done something completely different, and done hardwood floors instead of carpet?” Don’t worry about it. You can’t sell the house unless it’s looking pristine and perfect, and it won’t look pristine and perfect with your old carpet.
Just go ahead and pick a neutral carpet, mid-grade — it doesn’t have to be top of the line. Your pad has to be good, because as everyone will say, “Skimp on your carpet if you want to, but as long as your pad is good, it makes the whole thing look good.”
So that’s what you’re gonna wanna do. Definitely replace the carpet with something neutral, mid-grade, doesn’t have to be amazing, just good, and that way, you’ll get your house sold and on to your next project.
Hope you’re having a good day!
Also, if you have additional questions, by all means, give me a shout via text message, 509-430-5342. Or go to my website, and click the “Contact” button there. Or go ahead and email me,
with your real estate question. Thanks so much. Bye!
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