KEPR-TV recently did a story on apartment crime stats in the Tri-Cities. Even though I sell houses, and don’t deal in apartment or housing rentals, I’m including the link here because it’s got some good information.
As a Realtor, I can’t tell anyone where they should or shouldn’t live. I can’t tell you about the demographic breakdown of a neighborhood, which schools are best to attend or where you’re least likely to be the victim of a crime. For me to do so is against federal law. But, I can suggest you gather all the information available by contacting local law enforcement agencies, scouring the internet, checking out test scores for the schools you want to know more about, and keeping your eyes open when you are in any given area.
This is, in fact, my favorite line from the article, not just because it is good common sense, but because the writer tries to be all hip –
Also police suggest visiting the property during the day and night to see what you observe going down.
Ooooo, going down…very cool!
But they have a great point – if you’re interested in a home, then visit it at all times of the day. Take a look at the surrounding neighborhood. What’s the maintenance like? Does it appear to be an area on its way up or is it in decline? Just use your noodle, as my mom would say, and you’ll stay out of all kinds of housing trouble.